3rd International Conference

Advanced Mechanics:
Structure, Materials, Tribology

Samarkand, 22.-26. September 2025

1st Announcement 

OrganizerProf. Valentin L. Popov and Prof. Askar Z. Khasanov

Venue: Samarkand State University

Language: English

Objectives: The Conference is devoted to interdisciplinary research of technical and biological systems considering the interrelation and interplay of their mechanical, tribological and material aspects. This includes mechanics of solids and materials science with applications in structural mechanics and tribology. Welcomed are works on analytical, numerical and experimental analysis. The goal of the conference is to review the recently established concepts, tools and research activities and to outline the most important tasks for the future.

Symposium 1

        International Symposium on Contact Mechanics and Tribology

Organizer: Valentin L. Popov (Germany), Ken Nakano (Japan), Daniele Dini (UK), Guoxin Xie (China)

Symposium 2

    The Mechanics of Aerospace Materials

    Organizer: Alexander Korsunsky (UK)


  • Mechanics of a deformable solid body
  • Materials Science
  • Computational methods in mechanics
  • Vibrations and vibration protection of mechanical systems
  • Soil mechanics and geomechanics

Form of presentation: Oral presentation and poster presentations. No online presentations are possible

Publication: Participants are encouraged to submit full papers for publication in AiP Conference Proceedings. The deadline for full paper submission is 01.10.2025

Abstract submission: Please submit an abstract (not longer than one A4 page) in English not later than June 25, 2025 by e-mail: j.starcevic@tu-berlin.de and eismoilov.samsu@gmail.com

Conference fee: 180,00 €

Program Committee

Valentin L. Popov (Germany)

Ken Nakano (Japan)

Daniele Dini (UK)

Guoxin Xie (China)

Askar Khasanov (Uzbekistan)

Alexander M. Korsunsky (UK)

Jianbin Luo (China)

Jose-Miguel Martinez (Spain)

Bagdat Teltayev (Kazakhstan)

Feng Zhou (China)

R. Abirov (Uzbekistan)

M. Usarov (Uzbekistan)

Alessandro Ruggiero (Italy)

Zuobin Wang (China)

A. Akhmedov (Uzbekistan)

Anatoly Vershinin (Russia)

Nikolai Myshkin (Belarus)

Michael Nosonovsky (USA)

R. Abdukarimov (Uzbekistan)

Slobodan Mitrovic (Serbia)

Koushik Viswanathan (India)

Karim Sultanov (Uzbekistan)

M. Khodjabekov (Uzbekistan)

I. Mirzayev (Uzbekistan)

Vladislav Aleshin (France)

Vladimir Skripnyak (Russia)

M. Mirsaidov (Uzbekistan)

O. Dusmatov (Uzbekistan)

Auezhan Amanov (Finland)

Mitjan Kalin (Slovenia)




Dr.-Ing. Jasminka Starcevic

Technische Universität Berlin Institute of Mechanics, Sekr. C8-4 Str. des 17. Juni 135

D-10623 Berlin, Germany

Tel: +49 (30) 314 21 493

Fax.: +49 (30) 314 72 575

E-mail: j.starcevic@tu-berlin.de

Elbek Ismoilov

Samarkand State University, University blv. 15

140104 Samarkand, Uzbekistan

Tel: +998982738673

Telegram: +998982738673

WhatsApp: +998982738673

E-mail: eismoilov.samsu@gmail.com


Conference web page: https://amsmt2025.samdu.uz/

Current information and updates are posted in the Telegram Channel https://t.me/workshop_samarkand

Highlights of the past conference in 2024: youtube:https://youtu.be/Xk8_CIt00Ig,



A longer version: https://youtu.be/lF2any0XXEQ